Hannah or Kate will greet you at the front desk. Marcia, Kate or Christina assist with our sports and soft-tissue therapies. Donna and Christina provide York 's best therapeutic massages. Judy has all the answers for your insurance and billing questions. And every office needs a mascot. Gus, yes we had a Gus before the state of Pennsylvania had a Gus, has faithfully stood guard for over 35 years.
I would like to invite you to visit our office I opened in 1985. We work hard to ensure you receive the best health care advice and treatment. Dr. John and myself have more than 50 years of combined experience working with the other health care practitioners in the county, as well as many of the attorneys for those injured in automobile crashes.
Chiropractic is an excellent choice for treatment of headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck and arm ache, and low back pain. Manipulation reduces the pressure on nerves, relaxes the muscles, and reduces joint pain and compression. We have treated patients from newborns to nineties.
Call for a free consultation to see if we can get you back in the game from a strain or accident injury. Our phone number is (717) 840-0888.
Dr. Joe Fuller
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